CS 88: Computational Structures in Data Science
Spring 2021Instructors: Gerald Friedland, Michael Ball
M & F 1-2pm PT
Week 15! 😃
We're in the home strech!! You can do it!! ❤️
Grade Progress Check
Use the "How am I Doing" tool to see a composite scroe of all your assignments. Grading is a straight sum, but this factors in assignment drops, and totals in the lecture self-check scores.
"RRR Week" Activities
Please review the weekly schedule for Review week. There are no regularly scheduled labs, but there will be topical office hours for topics covered post-midterm, some regular office hours, and review sessions during Review week.
Extra Credit for Feedback Forms
Please refer to the linked Ed post on information on how you can receive extra credit for filling out both the internal end-of-the-semester course feedback form and the official course evaluations.
Week 14! 😃
We're in the home strech!! You can do it!! ❤️
Grade Progress Check
Use the "How am I Doing" tool to see a composite scroe of all your assignments. Grading is a straight sum, but this factors in assignment drops, and totals in the lecture self-check scores.
- The Exceptions Self-Check got posted late. Please take it when you get a chance. (The deadline was extended.)
Please use the department reporting form if you'd like to report on any issues relating campus / department culture and cliamte.
- There's more student resources on the EECS website.
- The form is anonymous, if desired. Departmental staff will followup if you leave any contact info. Thanks!
Week 13! 😃
We're in the home strech!! You can do it!! ❤️
Ants vs Some Bees, Project 2 is out!
- Checkpoint date! 4/18
Please use the department reporting form if you'd like to report on any issues relating campus / department culture and cliamte.
- There's more student resources on the EECS website.
- The form is anonymous, if desired. Departmental staff will followup if you leave any contact info. Thanks!
Week 12! 😃
Ants vs Some Bees, Project 2 is out!
- Final due date 4/29.
- Checkpoint date! 4/18
- Find a partner. :)
Please use the department reporting form if you'd like to report on any issues relating campus / department culture and cliamte.
- There's more student resources on the EECS website.
- The form is anonymous, if desired. Departmental staff will followup if you leave any contact info. Thanks!
Week 11! 😃
- Midterm Regrade Requests are due Friday at 11:59PM
- Ants vs Some Bees (Project 2) will be out early next week.
Welcome to Week 9! 😃
Midsemester Feedback Survey
- Please fill out the midsemester survey.
- If at least 70 percent of the class fills out the survey, everyone will receive 1 extra credit point!
Welcome to Week 7! 😃
Project 1:
- Maps Checkpoint is due 3/1 at midnight.
- Follow Ed and the Google Calendar for info on project parties for Maps and review sessions before the midterm!
Lecture Self-Checks
Links for Lectures 11 and 12 have been corrected.
Welcome to Week 6! 😃
Project 1: Maps has been released this week! Please see the assignment for more details about deadlines.
Welcome to Week 5! 😃
Lecture 8: Lambdas and ADTs Videos
- We'll go over this on Friday, but we recommend you watch some of the videos before labs.
- It's recommended you read section 2.4.3 on dictionaries before lab and homework.
Midterm Date: March 11, 7-9pm.
- Please review the proctoring guidelines.
- An alternate exam will be scheduled later this month.
Welcome to Week 4! 😃
Please check the Google Calendar link above for weekly Office Hours schedules.
Lecture 7: Lists and HOFs Videos
Midterm Date: March 11, 7-9pm.
- Please review the procotring guidelines.
- An alternate exam will be scheduled later this month.
Welcome to Week 3! 🎉
Join Ed
Please make sure you signup for a lab.
Please check the Google Calendar link above for weekly Office Hours schedules.
Midterm Date: March 11, 7-9pm.
- Students are required to use Zoom for proctoring. A full policy will be released soon, but the goal is not to have you be stressed!
- Alternate exams will be the following morning, detailed to be scheduled in a couple weeks.
- See the first video of the HOFs pre-recorded lecture for more info.
Week 3, HOFs video is out. (See below!)
- Pre-Recorded, Live Recording is up.
- Please watch the pre-recorded videos first. :)
Week 2,
Welcome to Week 2! 🎉
Join Ed
Please make sure you signup for a lab.
Zoom Info (Or find the link on the "Google Calendar")
Lectures 1 & 2 Video and Slides are up!
See below. Sorry for the delay! For most lectures we'll have a live and recorded version. If you can only watch one video, spend the time with the recorded videos. _We do not expect everyone to watch more than 2 hours of lecture per week, but everything will be avaiable for those who wish.
Please check the Google Calendar link above for weekly Office Hours schedules.
Welcome to CS88! 🎉
Join Ed
Ed is our discussion tool, and where you will receive most communication.
Zoom Info
(Or find the link on the "Weekly Schedule")
- Lectures will start on Friday 1/22
- There will be an initial setup and icebreaker lab held this Thursday 1/21
- Official Labs and Office Hours will start the second week on 1/27
- Please sign up for Ed Discussion if you haven't already (which we'll be using instead of piazza this semester for most of our communications)
- Students need to have a computer/laptop. Students can borrow laptops through the library.
- You cannot get credit for CS 88 if you have already taken CS 61A.