Additional Resources

Below are some resources that you may find useful for CS88. Some of the resources are from CS 61A, as the two courses have quite a bit of overlap. However, keep in mind that there is some CS61A material that will not be covered in CS88.

Past Finals

For your reference, here is a table of past finals to study! Also, check out this extra Reverse-Environment-Diagram practice courtesy of CS61A!

Additionally, here is the Fall 2021 Final reference sheet.

Name Blank Exam Solutions Professor(s) Walkthrough Video Notes
Spring 2023 Link Link Michael Ball Link Thanks CSM for the walkthroughs! Note there are some typos:
  • For Q2 (c), none of the answer options are correct. The correct answer is -1.
  • For Q12 (c), it should say return 4 * squared_experience(n // 2).
Fall 2022 Link Link Michael Ball Because of the strike this semester, this final is not representative of most final exams.
Spring 2022 Link Link Michael Ball Link Thanks CSM for the walkthroughs!
Fall 2021 Link Link Michael Ball Link Thanks CSM for the walkthroughs!
Spring 2021 Link Link Michael Ball & Gerald Friedland
Fall 2020 Link Link Michael Ball
Spring 2020 Link Link Michael Ball Formatting may be off since the PDF was generated by examtool
Fall 2019 Link Link Michael Ball Link Note there are some typos:
  • Q5 solutions: last line, helper(n // 10, n % 10) should be helper(num // 10, num % 10).
  • Q5 video walkthrough: At 5:10, the correct answer is not elif num % 10 <= prev, it should be if prev > n % 10 (which matches the solution PDF).
  • Q7: The doctests at the beginning of the question should say "Yum, I ate 3 pieces of chocolate" instead of "Yum, I ate 3 pieces of milk chocolate", and "Oh no! There is no more chocolate" instead of "Oh no! There is no more milk chocolate".
Spring 2019 Link Link Gerald Friedland Link
Fall 2018 Link Link David Culler Link
Spring 2018 Link Link Gerald Friedland
Spring 2018 Mock Link Link Gerald Friedland
Spring 2016 Link David Culler

Past Midterms

For your reference, here is a table of past midterms to study! Additionally, here is the Fall 2021 Midterm reference sheet.

Name Blank Exam Solutions Professor(s) Walkthrough Video Notes
Spring 2023 Link Link Michael Ball Link Thanks CSM for the Walkthroughs!
Fall 2022 Link Link Michael Ball Link Thanks CSM for the Walkthroughs!
Spring 2022 Link Link Michael Ball Link Q7a is part of the Closet ADT, so you do not need to worry about abstraction barrier violations
Fall 2021 Link Link Michael Ball Link Thanks CSM for the Walkthroughs!
Spring 2021 Link Link Michael Ball & Gerald Friedland Link Thanks CSM for the Walkthroughs!
Fall 2020 Link Link Michael Ball
Spring 2020 Link Link Michael Ball
Fall 2019 Link Link Michael Ball Link Q1: fun(max, 61, 88) evaluates to 61. The correct calls to alt_fib(6) is 25 not 26.
Fall 2019 CSM Mock Midterm Link Link CSM
Spring 2019 Link Link Gerald Friedland Link
Fall 2018 Link Link David Culler Link
Spring 2018 Link Link Gerald Friedland Link
Spring 2016 Retake Link Link David Culler Link

Setting up your computer for CS88

  • Windows:

    • Setting Up and Using Python (video)
    • Connecting from home (video)
    • Connecting from home (pdf)
  • Mac OSX:

    • Part 1: Setting up Python (video)
    • Part 2: Setting up Emacs (video)
    • Part 3: SSH and the Terminal (video)
    • Connecting from home (pdf)

Learning in CS88

Enrolled/Waitlisted students have access to the screencasts through CalCentral ( -> My Classes -> CS88 (Right hand side) or through bCourses via a tab called Course Captures.

Programming in CS88

External Data Resources Used by 61A